The Business of Dairy

Drought Forecasting and Seasonal Conditions

NSW DPIRD Episode 46

Too hot, too dry, too wet - seasonal conditions can be challenging to manage for those on the land. Forecasting for the season ahead can be difficult but is important when planning what you will do now or in the coming months. The NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s Climate team have some excellent freely available resources including a recently released Drought Forecasting tool. Kel Langfield and Jen Wurtzel from the team step us through these tools and how they can be used by farmers and their advisors. Please use the links in the show notes to access these tools and other information, noting that the State Seasonal Update report is released at the beginning of the month and the drought forecast maps are updated twice a month.

Email the team:  

DPIRD Climate webpage

State Seasonal Update  

Drought forecast

Combined Drought Indicator

Farm Tracker App

My Farm Dashboard

Survey - Have Your Say

Seasonal Conditions Information Portal

Climate Dogs

BoM Outlooks

Climate Forecasts and Monitoring

Seasonal Climate Forecasts in Australian Agriculture Case Studies

Drought Hub   


This podcast is an initiative of the NSW DPI Dairy Business Advisory Unit – further information and resources are available here - Dairy | Department of Primary Industries

It is brought to you in partnership the Hunter Local Land Services

Please share this podcast with your fellow farmers and colleagues and feel free to contact us with suggestions or comments via this email address

Further NSW DPI Dairy channels to follow and subscribe to include:

NSW DPI Dairy Facebook page

NSW DPI Dairy Newsletter

Transcript here

Produced by Video Lift

The information discussed in this podcast are for informative and educational purposes only and do not constitute advice.